Democratic Party of Georgia Chair, DuBose Porter, Will Emcee 2018 Annual Banquet. “We are excited to announce that our State Party Chair, DuBose Porter, will be on the dais and will EmCee this year’s Annual Banquet on Saturday night,” said Audrey Gibbons, Chair of the Glynn County Democrats. “DuBose is excited about the great work that Democrats are doing in Glynn County and wanted to be here to help us kick off our big push toward the general election. He will bring us news from around the state as we look forward to the campaigns shifting into high gear after Labor Day.” The 2018 Midterms are the most important elections in our lifetimes and, arguably, in the lifetime of our democracy. Now is the time for us to come together as Glynn County Democrats at the 2018 Annual Dinner to show our support for our fantastic Democratic candidates up and down the ticket. The Annual Dinner on Saturday, August 18th at 5:30 at Selden Park is our chance to meet in person the statewide and local Democratic candidates that we will be voting for in just over 80 days and to show them our support and commitment by our presence. All Democrats are encouraged to attend. Have fun as you meet and greet your fellow Democrats. Take a chance at winning the 50/50 raffle, enjoy the cash bar, the lively music, and a great dinner catered by A Moveable Feast! Tickets are still available at $50 each. Proceeds will go to support the Glynn County Democratic Committee in its efforts to get the voters out to elect our Democratic candidates. To order your tickets now, go to |
Volunteers Needed!
Volunteer UPDATE: TRAINING scheduled for Wednesday, July 25, 10 am and 6 pm.
- a person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task.
synonyms: subject · participant ·
- freely offer to do something.
“he volunteered for the job” ·
With all the antics currently going on with the way our government is being run, it is easy to just give up. It is easy to want to simply curl into a ball and retreat. The job of taking back our democracy seems too big and too impossible to accomplish.
I ‘give up’ daily. I am so horrified that we went from the best and brightest man of my generation, a man we could all look up to an aspire to be more like to…well, to what we have now. I am ready for the curl up in a ball and retreat.
However, I am continually inspired by the legacy President Obama has left us:
“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.” – Barack Obama
I took on a big job this year by volunteering to work all summer at Democratic HQ here in Brunswick. I am a veteran of many prior major campaigns in other places, and the difference is startling. We had opposition, to be sure, but we did not face the blatant discrimination that has marked my experiences here. It’s hard and it’s discouraging and it’s crazy-making; I’ve made some friends and some enemies. I would change very little.
I volunteer because I cannot sit by and watch the death of my country as I know it. Hopefully, some of you feel the same way and will decide to give of your time and talents to begin the long process of bringing democracy back to our country.
We need volunteers of all types and kinds. We need office people, we need phone bankers, and we need canvassers. We need people to wave signs. We need people to lend us their talents and ideas. We need this every day.
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” – Barack Obama
Never has this been more critical. This November, the political races that are decided can literally mean life or death for some of our weakest and most vulnerable citizens. Here. In this town. People we know and love.
We need you to stand up and volunteer to help us to defeat the forces that seek to destroy our way of life.
Some people might see this as over-the-top, but I promise you it isn’t. We stand a real chance of losing our democracy to a group of people who couldn’t care less about anything that does not personally enrich them.
Please consider volunteering with our office to help. You can let me know on Facebook, through the website or simply by coming down to the office at 1400 Gloucester.
I promise it will be worth it.
Even though I want to give up, I won’t. Ever.
“What I’m asking for is hard. It’s easier to be cynical; to accept that change isn’t possible, and politics is hopeless, and to believe that our voices and actions don’t matter. But if we give up now, then we forsake a better future.” Barack Obama
School to Career Transition
Written by: Dr. Markisha Butler
College seniors preparing to transition to the workplace were recently identified as having potential difficulties, according to Lane (2015). Society’s expectation of seniors to enter the workforce and settle down after college graduation is a prominent potential difficulty; therefore, this process contains a significant series of impending changes in students’ lives for many who may feel anxious and not ready (Lane, 2015). Graduating students within the Lane study were facing upcoming changes that required an alteration of priorities; these changes included the inability to continue a student lifestyle, loss of support and friendships, and the actual job search process and current unemployment (Lane, 2015).
While the graduates who were unable to find employment were expected to, and did have, decreased well-being, graduates who did obtain post college job offers were not immune from distress caused from the transition of college to work (Lane, 2015). Within the study conducted by Lane (2015), the world of work presented its own level of anxiety because graduating students were leaving a life in which they felt experienced and adequately prepared to handle and were coming into an environment in which they were the unexperienced professional. There was evidence that the former students involved in the Lane study had difficulty adjusting to professional work life and therefore had more than 50% leave their initial employment within two years of graduating college (Lane, 2015). Some of the difficulties included being unable to adjust to the work culture environment, but other stressors included substantial learning curves, employers not giving enough feedback, less structure than prepared for in a college environment, guilt about their level of initial production of work, and being challenged in creating social networks that could replace the old one from college (Lane, 2015). In order for new graduates to become successful employees, they had to be willing to adapt to the interactions, structure, and work style that constituted the organization’s culture (Wendlandt & Rochlen, 2008).
Lane (2015) reported that graduates involved in the study did not possess enough knowledge of expected work culture changes when graduating and entering the workforce. Lane conducted a survey study in which college seniors were asked about their workplace culture and were surveyed again at six months and then again at one year. It was determined that graduates who had obtained more accurate information about the employer’s workplace and culture were more likely to find satisfaction with work and adapt to the culture with more ease. In conclusion, Lane found that graduates who were secure in their social relationships had more information, felt supported, and were better able to face the challenges of adulthood with more confidence than those without secure relationships (Lane, 2015).
As a candidate for Glynn County School Board At-Large Post 1, I will take my position seriously and use my experience as a former Career Development and Placement Coordinator at a technical college to provide workshops and trainings to students as well as staff to ensure our students are prepared to transition from school to career.
Lane, J. A. (2015). Counseling emerging adults in transition: Practical applications of attachment and social support research. The Professional Counselor, 5, 15-27.
Annual Glynn County Democratic Dinner
The annual Glynn County Democrats Dinner will be held on August 18th this year at Selden Park. A Moveable Feast is providing dinner, and a cash bar will be available.
Sarah Riggs Amico ( candidate for Lt. Governor), John Barrow (candidate for Secretary of State), and Lisa Ring (candidate for 1st District Congress) are scheduled to be key speakers at this event.
Please join us in a fun night for all.
Tickets are available for purchase at the Party Headquarters, 1400 Gloucester Street, and online.
District 4 Set to Meet in July
Please mark your calendars. District 4 is holding its inaugural meeting on July 18th at Wake Up Coffee in Brunswick. The meeting will being at 6 pm. We are going to meet each other and plan for fall elections! Please be there if you can and bring friends and neighbors! Also, check out our FB page:
Hope to see you there!