Time is nearly up for buying tickets
to the 2019 Annual Banquet
Yes, Virginia, there are Democrats in Glynn County, and the best way to meet and greet them is to attend our annual banquet: ENERGIZE FOR 2020.
If you plan to attend, or if you want to donate to the Glynn Democratic Committee, please click on this link and make your donation by the end of this week, Aug. 16.
We have a good lineup of speakers this year, including the author Roland McElroy, State Sen. Jen Jordan, and community activist and DPG leader Adrienne White.
The dinner is being catered by the creative Brunswick restaurant A Moveable Feast. And we’ll have musical guests, and you can buy beer and wine.
ENERGIZE FOR 2020 is our primary fund-raiser for the year. Your donation is important for finance GlynnDems promotional activities, informational handouts, canvassing, office space and support for candidates. We understand that the national political uncertainty and the large field of Democratic candidates are taking a share of your political donation dollars. But we are local.
- We are on the ground in Glynn County.
- We are working for change at the grassroots level.
- We are determined to offer alternatives to the steady parade of conservative GOP candidates who run and win in Glynn County year in and year out.
- We are committed to registering voters, ensuring voting rights and turning out Democrats on Nov. 3, 2020.
Looking forward to seeing you and all our Democratic supporters on Aug. 24!
THE 411
WHEN: Saturday, Aug. 24. Program begins at 6 p.m. Doors open at 5:30.
WHERE: Selden Park Community Center in Brunswick.
TICKETS: $50 per person or $550 for a table for eight. Table sponsors will receive special recognition in the program, in the welcome area and during the dinner.